The Snorkelling Paradise of Marsa Alam
You may not bein a position to scuba dive for whatever reason or maybe you just don’t likescuba diving. However, you may be familiar with snorkelling or skin diving, theart of snorkelling while making breath-hold dives. Snorkelling is a fine way tosee the Red Sea world underwater and to observe aquatic life from close rangeat Marsa Alam.
When you come to Marsa Alam you will be amazed by the lively life belowthe surface. You will have many options to choose from. One is wading in to thesea from the soft sands at Abu Dabbab Beach in Marsa Alam.
At Abu Dabbab, you have the freedom to just jump in the sea anytime youlike if you wish to go snorkelling. Abu Dabbab guarantees great snorkellingfun, floating above its beautiful house reefs. This is snorkelers paradise foryou!
Blue Ocean Diving Centers offers adventurous sailing trips towardssnorkelling destinations. The alternatives are almost unlimited. What to thinkof the reefs of Samadai or Satayah, the Hamata Islands, Om Halhallah, Sharm ElLuli, Marsa Mubarak and Abu Dabbab Bay!
The tour duration is usually a full day. Our snorkelling excursions aresuitable for all ages. Our guides are bilingual. We take care of guides, transportationper boat, snorkelling equipment, soft drinks, coffee, tea and a, freshlyprepared buffet lunch on board. All you have to bring is your towel and suncream.
One sensational experience you should not miss out on is snorkelling atnight in Abu Dabbab. Night life changes spectacularly at Abu Dabbab Beach inthe beam of your torch. There’s something ‘magicaland mysterious‘ about snorkelling after the sun has set in. It is as if the RedSea changes into an entirely new world of flora and fauna.
The snorkelling opportunities in Marsa Alam are almost unlimited. Highlyrecommendable are ‘snorkelling safaris’ to Sha’ab Sataya, also known as theDolphin Reef and Sha’ab Samadai, also known as the Dolphin House. It’s aprivilege to spot dolphins in their natural Red Sea environment.
Good periods for snorkelling are the late spring and early summer monthsand the autumn months! Water temperatures in April, May and June are from 21 ℃to 25 ℃ and in the autumn the mercury pleasantly hits 21 ℃to 25 ℃.